There's no doubt that edtech is changing the future of education. But how will technology change the way we assess student learning?
As you can discern from the picture above, using technology for assessment is not a new concept. Mobile technology is changing the way children learn. For those inside the education world, some of this may not be much of a shock. However, some predictions that education experts and leaders have been touting about education technology with assessment may be coming sooner than you think.
This article includes some predictions about the impact education technology will have on how teachers assess student learning. The number one prediction is that Paper-and-pencil tests will become outdated.
This is already happening in the education world. While looking for evidence, you may need to look no farther than state assessments. In Illinois, most schools take the state PARCC assessment through a computer. If districts want to take paper and pencil tests, those schools need to indicate that to the state. Districts also use data gathered from online MAP (monitoring academic progress) assessments that provide data on each students' academic growth. Teachers use Google Classroom and Forms quizzes to assess students knowledge online.
However, another prediction NOT mentioned in this article is that there will be more frequent assessing of students.
With the ability to get instant feedback to both the teacher and the learner, some teachers may implement a daily form of assessing students. This allows the teacher to gather data on how students are preforming or grasping lesson objectives instantly, instead of waiting overnight to grade homework or other assessments. This can be invaluable and very beneficial to the learning environment.
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