Sometime yesterday, Google released Chrome Version 45 (Technically Version 45.0.2454.85 )
If you have used Chrome sometime today on your laptop, chances are you have already downloaded or installed this update.
If you use a Chromebook, you will have to reboot when the update has downloaded. (This includes student Chromebooks.
Overall, you should notice that your Chrome and Chromebooks should run faster or less sluggish than before today.
There are a lot of new features in this version of Chrome that many of you will find helpful.
If you have used Chrome sometime today on your laptop, chances are you have already downloaded or installed this update.
If you use a Chromebook, you will have to reboot when the update has downloaded. (This includes student Chromebooks.
Overall, you should notice that your Chrome and Chromebooks should run faster or less sluggish than before today.
There are a lot of new features in this version of Chrome that many of you will find helpful.

Want more info? Check out this article:
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