Another year passes for me today. I am a little older, a little wiser, and still feel like I have so much to learn. I am reminded of my blessings and reflect upon my goals in life.
As I've gotten older, I've noticed that a lot of people either don't get their birthday emphasized / don't take the time to say Happy Birthday to someone.
See this example from one of my favorite Simpsons episodes from one of their first seasons.

Both scenes are from Lisa's birthday. One where it seems everyone has forgotten her birthday (except Maggie). The other is Bart (and "Michael Jackson") signing a personally written Happy Birthday Song. See the difference?
Although not a birthday story, I will share a personal example. When I graduated High School I received a card from a grade school teacher, congratulating me and telling me how proud she was of me. That meant a lot to me. I could hardly believe that she would remember me after so many years as I had not seen nor spoken to her since I was in her class. I was surprised again when I received another card when I graduated college.
My goal this year is to remind students (past and present) that I care and that they have made an impact on me, as I hope I have on them. To quote a former teacher of mine, "Students will not care to learn, until they learn that I care."
Need to wish someone a happy birthday? (*cough* *cough*)
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