Edutopia, a great resource for those in education, has released a list of Educational Grants and Resources that are available. The list is organized by grant type and lists who can apply and what you can use the money for if approved. This is a must for teachers looking to add to or enhance your classroom and curriculum.
The Big List of Educational Grants and Resources
For those of you who do not have a grant writer or grant writing resources in your school or district, here are some resources to help get you started.Option 1: Take a grant writing course.
I would suggest talking to your Regional Office of Education or Building Administrators about taking a grant writing course.
Earn a Certificate for Professional Grant Writing, from San Diego State University's List of Free Grant Writing Courses and Training Programs
Ed2Go Online "AtoZ Grant Writing"
DePaul University Certificate (Face to Face)
Option 2: Check out some grant writing resources
Again, I would suggest contacting your Regional Office of Education or Building Administrators, and even colleagues who have successfully written grants in the past.
National Education Association (NEA) Grant Writing Tips
Education World's Tips and Resources for Successful Grant Writing Tips for Grant Writing
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