In my online classroom, and when I was teaching in a Face-to-Face school, one of the biggest trouble areas I see in students are in their online research skills. Many students simply conduct a quick Google search (that never expands beyond the first page) and most of time consists of research from Wikipedia, answers.com, or some other website, not suitable for a High School level research paper.
Research studies have shown that today's students are lacking in the skills needed to find and synthesize factual information from credible sources. also known as Digital Literacy. Part of the problem is, from my perspective, students do not feel they need help with searching for information online. "I know how to Google," is a phrase I am constantly met with. However, when it comes to conducting research, many times the work shows this is not the case.
The article linked below shows some areas where students can get guidance on how to conduct online research more effectively.
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